Deep within each of our bodies runs a vibrant rich life force. A quiet, rich ever abundant flowing river. It sits deep within our body. The further we move from it the more scattered is our light. Yet spreading out from that central core we become radiant. The body glows, expresses a sense of ease and health.
This evening I missed the group yoga class. I am ever grateful to practice with an amazing teacher like Azita. She is the best Iyengar yoga teacher in Dubai. Today I was tired from all the work in the day, so I stayed in and decided to practice at home instead. I just couldn’t bring myself to drive all the way, my body needed some quiet space.
So I spent time doing a few poses and decided to stay in them longer. The magic of asana is in the experience of it. Its almost as if we enter through the portals of asanas to each unlock and release the blocks within our body. Each asana has an energetic template, and when we move into that shape, the resonance shifts our vibration closer to the true vibration of our being.
This insight into our natural being, makes me think about how I lead my life. Sure I have bills to pay and I have to work and get things done. But it almost seems like some grand distraction scheme, to overwhelm us with this world of form and disconnect us from the wellspring of our inner source.
Yet I love the world of thousand things, awesome indescribable! However being locked into this external formation is draining over time…i need the refuge of the inner nourishment of bare knowing. In being in the world of absorption I loose my ability to love another. So the practice is to weave this internal and external world.
I am healing slowly all the wounds. I am getting off my battle horse, dropping my armour and walking towards the green wellspring of my source, this is my journey back home!